Monday, May 5, 2008

Eye Update.....

Eye Update.....
I saw Dr. Vogel again this evening. He was pleased that my vision has improved. It's gone from 20/70 to 20/40. He dilated my eyes and had a look. He said the bleeding is the same, no smaller. He also said the fluid in the macula was "less" which is good. He wants me back in 3 wks for another avastin injection. He said "Your eye is no worse which is good news." Hey, I'll take it!
I asked him for a copy of my eye photos. Once I get them, I'll post them for others to view. I also asked him if it was contagious and he said no. I asked him that because I remember taking care of a patient when I was in nursing school who had histoplasmosis in her lungs. I also asked if being raised on a farm when I was little could have caused this and he said "yes". So, I guess I know where I could have contracted this from.....chickens!
I asked him if it was a chance the the bleeding would go away completely and he said "yes". I'm kinda bummed that the bleeding is no smaller. But, considering it could have been larger, I'll take "the same".
Keep your fingers crossed my vision continues to get better. Say little prayers for me.....heck, say BIG prayers for me. I need my eyes!
I posted a pic of the retinal hemorrhage above......nasty, huh?