Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ocular Histoplasmosis?????

Hello guys. I'm new here. This is copied from my blog:
The vision in my right eye started getting blurry last week. I didn't think too much of it because heck, let's admit it....I'm getting old. Both my parents had to get glasses later in life. Up until last week, I've had 20/20 vision. So, I called and made an appt to have an eye exam.
I went friday for my eye exam and I was told I have a retinal hemorrhage with satellite lesions in my right eye. The eye doctor told me you usually see this in people with high blood pressure, diabetes, or some type of infection. Now, I have none of these. She did say I do not have any swelling on the optic nerve, which is good. I have an appt to see a retinal specialist first thing tomorrow morning.
Update 4/14/08: I saw Dr. Vogel first thing this morning. He is a retinal specialist and is supposed to be the best around. He seems to think I have come in contact with histoplasmosis in the past and this has scarred parts of both of my eyes. (The right eye is worse.) He says this can cause abnormal growth of blood vessels in the eye and this is what has happened in my right eye. Those vessels have burst and is bleeding in my retina. There is some edema and fluid pocket there but luckily there is no swelling on the optic nerve....yet.
My options: I have elected to proceed with 3 injections of Avastin, given 6 wks apart in the right eye. YES, a needle will go in my eye! Avastin is a cancer drug that is FDA approved to stop bleeding/growth of abnormal vessels. It is NOT FDA approved to use in the eyes but eye doctors use it off market and have great results with it. As with anything, there is side effects and possibilities of worsening. He said we will remain optomistic but worse case scenerio, I can end up losing my vision in my right eye. He said this is pretty progressive if left untreated. So, I go back tomorrow for my first injections. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. I'm NOT happy about a needle going in my eye!
Update 4/15/08: I went today and had my first injection of Avastin. He numbned my eye and then put a metal brace in my right eye to keep it open. He cleaned it well with betadine and flushed it out with saline. He then injected the medicine. I must admit, it was a little pressure but nothing too bad. It was over in a flash. I kept my right eye closed most of the day as it was fuzzy. It is starting to get better now. I haven't really noticed any improvement yet. I hope that will come over the next few days. My eye does feel a little "irritated" like there's an eyelash or something in it. They said this is normal and to use artificial tears along with my antibiotic drops for 3 days.
If there's anyone out there going thru what I am and would like to keep in touch, please email me at :ERRNVA@aol.com. I am 35yrs old and an ER RN. This is all new to me and very scary. I really need my eyes in my profession. I am also an avid photographer!

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