Friday, August 29, 2008

Thank You!

Why is it so hard for us to say "Thank You"?

It's just two little words. Yet, we seldom say it. Us in the medical profession seldom hear it. Us ER staff go to work every day, to care for the public, and the public rarely finds it in their hearts to say "Thanks".

"Thanks for getting me that pillow."

"Thanks for getting me back quickly and medicating me for pain while I wait."

"Thanks for holding my hand when I was scared."

"Thanks for sitting with me when I was crying because my mom just died."

"Thanks for taking care of me when I know you had other, more sicker, patients to care for."

"Thanks for going to the cafeteria and getting me a meal tray when I know you had other things to be doing."

"Thanks for fighting for my rights as a patient and seeing that the staff upstairs assigned me a bed quickly."

"Thanks for bringing me that warm blanket and dimming my lights."

"Thanks for being so nice to my family when they were jerks."

"Thanks for helping save my life."

I don't even require a "thank you"....a simple "thanks" would do.

Now...on to why I'm rambling at 3:30am.....besides the fact that I can't sleep. Thanks night shift!.......

I saw Dr. Vogel today for my "eye checkup". He was very pleased and said the blood has dissolved. There is a small area of scar tissue there that will never go away. I am very grateful for Dr. Vogel and his expertise. This man is right up there on my top list of people who I adore! Dr. Vogel saved my vision. Now, don't get me wrong.....God gave him the knowledge to do what he does. God gave him steady and skillful hands....steady hands that very easily pushed that needle into my eyeball....three times! I'm just grateful he's a retinal specialist and lives in this area! I made sure that I thanked him and his staff for the best treatment I could have asked for. They were very professional and polite to me every time I was there. I brought him a basket of goodies (candy) ....and not the cheap kind! You would have thought he won the lottery. He had the biggest grin on his face. It's amazing what a little "thank you" will do! Then he thanked me for thanking him! Amazing!

So people...the next time you rely on someone in the medical field to take care of you....please be grateful and say "thank you." It means more than you know. We didn't go into this field to be unappreciated. We went into this field for YOU!

Friday, August 22, 2008

10 years has passed.....

My 10 year nursing school reunion is tonight at a fellow classmate's home. I can't believe it has been 10 years since I walked that isle and received my diploma for 3 years of pain, sweat and tears. I can't wait to see my fellow classmates. I purchased a "little black dress" and black high heels to wear! I don't do high heels. I hope I don't break an ankle!

On another note.....
I haven't posted since my last eye checkup. Dr. Vogel is very pleased as he said the blood has dissolved in my right eye. My vision has also improved. It's not back to normal and it won't ever be back to normal....but hey, it's better! I go back in 2 wks for another "recheck". I guess he'll tell me if I need more visits after that. Keep me in your prayers!