Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tummy Tuck 5/20/09!

5 days post op.

Still 5 days post op.
Well yesterday I did it. I had a tummy tuck with muscle repair. Dr. Samuel Fuller did my surgery and said he removed around 11 pounds. They took me in around 7:30am and I was in recovery and waking up by 12pm. Felt like a MAC truck hit me! WHOA this is by FAR the worse pain I'd ever had!!!!! I had a friend drive me home and my legs were jello getting out of the truck. Once I hit the recliner, that's where I stayed until I had to pee around 6pm. He gave me Percocet 7.5mg tablets to take for pain. When I got home, I took 2....that's how bad the pain was!
Over the next couple of days, I got myself down to 1 percocet every 4-5 hrs. By no means did the Percocet take the pain away. It dulled it enuf where I could get out the recliner and move about. Once I get up and start moving, it feels better and I dont want to sit back down!

I went today for my one week recheck and he removed every other steri strip and the sutures in my belly button. He left both drains in. I can't wait to get rid of them! I go back next week for a recheck. Everything looks good and he is pleased with my progress!

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