Thursday, July 2, 2009

Surgery Update - 6 wks out

Okay, as of yesterday, I am officially 6 weeks out from my tummy tuck with muscle repair. At 3 weeks out, I pulled my 2nd JP drain. (The Dr said I could if the drainage decreased drastically.) Well, 3 days after I pulled it, I was swollen with fluid in my belly. I called the Dr and he got me in and drew off 600cc's off fluid from my belly. He said this wasn't uncommon and I'd probably have to have it drawn off a few more times. Well 4 days later, I saw him and he drew offf 800cc's. I felt like I was going to pop! Two days after that, he drew off 380cc's. Then 5 days later, he drew off 360cc's and injected me with 30cc's of Tetracycline. He said the Tetracycline is irritating to the tissues that produce the fluid. I had to keep it in me for 20 mins and then he withdrew almost all of it. He said he left a few cc's in. Well, that night, I developed a fever of 102.8. I was to leave for a camping trip with my family the next am. I called him when I woke up and told him and he called me in a round of Keflex. He said he felt the fever was just a reaction to the Tetracycline. I picked up the Keflex and headed to the lake!

After 2 days of the Keflex, I felt better than I had since surgery! My temp was down to 97-98. It hadn't been that low since before surgery! I could tell I had some fluid building up...but not as much as before. I enjoyed 4 days at the lake. On our last night there when I was in the shower, I found 2 areas on my "healed" lower suture area (near my hoo-hoo) that looked like it had "come to a head" a zit. I pushed gently on those areas and they opened up and drained fluid....fluid like he had been draining off! I put bandages over those areas and went to sleep. When I got home the next day and got in the shower, one of the areas opened up and POURED! Thank God I was home for this! I called him the next morning and he was ESTATIC the fluid had found its own way out. I wasn't happy.....this meant no more swimming for me for a while! The fluid didn't have a smell and it was clearish-pink like the other fluid. (The first fluid he drew off, he sent it for a culture to check for infection and it came back negative. That was GOOD!)
He saw me the next morning (as planned) in the office and I received a good check up. He said to keep ABD pads over the draining area and see him in 2 weeks unless I need him before. Today has been 4 days since the area opened and the drainage has almost stopped.

I have lost 23lbs since surgery. Eleven pounds he said he removed of loose skin and liposuction. I can't complain....and I won't!

Me in my new bathing suit. 5 weeks out from surgery.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

2 week Tummy Tuck check up

Ok, saw Dr. Fuller for my 2 wk checkup on Tuesday and he is VERY pleased at how things are coming along. I am healing well. I only have one small bruised area on my lower abd near the incision site he is watching. He said he lipo'd this area a little more and it is "agitated". I have been running a low grade fever in the am's.....around 100.4. He wasnt too concerned with this. Feels it is from the surgery and inflammation itself. I still have in the right JP drain and he will pull this whenever it stops draining. Right now, it's still chugging along. I wore jean shorts for the first time yest and they are snug with the swelling and binder on. I have ALOT of swelling in my hips and thighs. He said this is normal. I'm ready for that to be GONE! I will post some pics below. I see him again in 2 wks.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tummy Tuck 5/20/09!

5 days post op.

Still 5 days post op.
Well yesterday I did it. I had a tummy tuck with muscle repair. Dr. Samuel Fuller did my surgery and said he removed around 11 pounds. They took me in around 7:30am and I was in recovery and waking up by 12pm. Felt like a MAC truck hit me! WHOA this is by FAR the worse pain I'd ever had!!!!! I had a friend drive me home and my legs were jello getting out of the truck. Once I hit the recliner, that's where I stayed until I had to pee around 6pm. He gave me Percocet 7.5mg tablets to take for pain. When I got home, I took 2....that's how bad the pain was!
Over the next couple of days, I got myself down to 1 percocet every 4-5 hrs. By no means did the Percocet take the pain away. It dulled it enuf where I could get out the recliner and move about. Once I get up and start moving, it feels better and I dont want to sit back down!

I went today for my one week recheck and he removed every other steri strip and the sutures in my belly button. He left both drains in. I can't wait to get rid of them! I go back next week for a recheck. Everything looks good and he is pleased with my progress!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Kroger's Carb Master Yogurt

Found a high protein, low carb yogurt that's not bad. It's the Kroger brand "Carb Master" yogurt. It comes in many flavors and has 80 calories, 1.5g of Fat, 4g of Carbs, and 12g of Protein per serving. I can eat 3 of these a day and get in 36g of protein! That's 1/2 of my daily recommended protein amount. Thanks Kroger!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

BEAR NAKED Peak Protein....

I was in the mood for a little "trail mix" so I went to Walmart and searched for what I could mix together that would be "healthy" for me! I found this and wanted to share.
It is called BEAR Naked and it has 5grams of protein per 1/4 cup. I mixed this with some yellow raisins, mixed nuts, sunflower seeds, and a few tbsp of the gerber "banana" or "apple cinnamon" puffs.
I put this in the "very small" snack sized ziplock bags to carry to work.
This is VERY yummy! And has lots of protein!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bathroom Trilogy.....

Okay....what is it with me and bathrooms? I swear.....

I was in the Target bathroom today.....doing my business....and a lady comes in the stall next to me. She's urinating.....and I hear "click, click, click"....she's TEXTING while she's peeing! WTH?
Can we not pee without sending a text? How about using your hands to WIPE YOUR BUTT instead of putting them all over your cell phone? I just don't get it. Maybe I'm from another era....

Do you get it? If so, explain a sista out!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mexican Beef & Bean Bake

Tried another one of Eggface's recipes tonight. It was YUMMY!

Here's the recipe:

Shelly's Mexican Beef & Bean Bake

1 1/2 lb. Ground Beef (or Turkey or Chicken)
1 Yellow Onion, diced
3 Green Onions, diced
2 cloves Garlic, minced
2 small Zucchini, sliced
1 can (15 oz.) Pinto Beans, rinsed & drained
1 can (15 oz.) Red Kidney Beans, rinsed & drained
1 teaspoon Oregano
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Sala few twists of Black Pepper
1 can (10 3/4 oz.) Creamy Ranchero Tomato, Southwest, Mexican, or Nacho Cheese
1/2 cup Sour Cream or Fage Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese

Saute ground beef till no pink is seen and drain any liquids. Set aside. Saute onions till golden. Add zucchini and garlic and steam saute with the lid on for 5 minutes. Turning often. Set aside. Add veggies to beef and all remaining ingredients (except cheese). Mix till combined and pour into Pyrex casserole dish. Top with shredded cheese. Bake for 30 minutes at 350.

Before cooking

After Cooking

Now, I doctored this up a little. I added:

1 can black beans
1 can "mild" rotel
1 glass container of Chi-Chi's Fiesta Salsa Con Queso, "mild"

I topped it off with a dollup off fat free sour cream and a few tortilla chips.

Link to this recipe and many other great ones:

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

YEAH! It snowed today! About 10 inches! This is the first real snow we've had since 2005. That last big snow we had was in March of 2005.....the day of my grandfather's funeral. We had to postpone the funeral for 2 days because of the weather and the fact they could not get the "vault" from Lynchburg to Brookneal where his burial was.

I went in to work at 7pm and due to low census, was allowed to leave at 12:30am. Now, it had started to snow again REAL hard at the time I was leaving. Rt 460 on the way home was AWFUL! You couldn't see your hand in front of your face. I had my mom's suzuki sidekick and it was in 4WD. That little truck ROCKS! It took me 2 hrs to get home, which normally takes me 40 mins..... but it got me home safely. I wanted to pull over and cry because I was scared I was going to end up in the median or ditch...... There were no marks in the road for me to "go by"....just about 6 inches of snow. I mean, where are the "state trucks" when all this is going on? I'm sure glad they are keeping the residents of VA safe! What a joke. I intend on writing the state of VA about this one......If I had wrecked, I was suing! are some pics of the snow!

See more pics of the snow at:

Friday, February 13, 2009

For the ER Nurse.....

This was emailed to me by a fellow ER nurse and friend.....

For a generation or two, we have lamented the loss of role models in society. As parents and individuals, we naturally seek out others we would like to emulate. Sadly, a serious search through the popular culture leaves us empty-handed and empty-hearted. Thanks to a long list of legal and moral shenanigans, many entertainers, politicians, and athletes long since abdicated this momentous position of responsibility.We usually look afar for heroes and role models, and in doing so overlook a group of professionals who live and work in our midst: nurses.And not just any kind of nurse: the emergency nurse. There are plenty of people involved in emergency care, and no emergency department could function without all of these people working as a team. But it is the emergency nurse who shoulders the weight of patient care. Without these modern-day heroes, individually and collectively we would be in quite a pinch.This unique breed of men and women are the lock stitch in the fabric of our health care safety net. Their job is a physical, emotional, and intellectual challenge.Who helped the paramedics lift the last 300-pound patient who came in?Who took the verbal lashing from the curmudgeon giving admitting orders over the phone?Who came to tell you that the guy you ordered the nitro drip for is taking Viagra?The emergency nurse has the thankless job of sitting in triage while both the long and the short buses unload at once. With limited information, they usually send the patient in the right direction while having to fend off some narcissistic clown with a zit on his butt. They absorb the penetrating stares from weary lobby dwellers and channel all that negative energy to some secret place they only tell you about when you go to triage school.Other kinds of nurses serve key roles in health care and attend to their patients admirably. However, few function under the gun like emergency nurses do.It is the emergency nurse who cares for the critical heart failure patient until the intensive care unit is "ready" to accept the patient. The productivity of the emergency nurse expands gracefully to accommodate the endless flow of patients while the rest of the hospital "can't take report." Many of our patients arrive "unwashed." It is the emergency nurse who delivers them "washed and folded." To prepare for admission a patient with a hip fracture who lay in stool for a day requires an immense amount of care--and caring.Few nurses outside of the emergency department deal with patients who are as cantankerous, uncooperative, and violent. These nurses must deal with patients who are in their worst physical and emotional state. We all know it is a stressful time for patients and family, and we all know who the wheelbarrow is that the shovel dumps into.For the most part, the nurses expect some of this and carry on in good humor. There are times, however, when the patience of a saint is required.In fact, I believe that when emergency nurses go to heaven, they get in the fast lane, flash their hospital ID, and get the thumbs-up at the gate. They earn this privilege after being sworn at, demeaned, spit on, threatened, and sometimes kicked, choked, grabbed, or slugged. After this, they go on to the next patient as if they had just stopped to smell a gardenia for a moment.Great strength of character is required for sustained work in our field. The emergency department is a loud, chaotic, and stressful environment. To hold up under these conditions is no small feat. To care for the deathly ill, comfort suffering children, and give solace to those who grieve their dead takes discipline, stamina, and tenderness. To sit with and console the family of a teenager who just died in an accident takes the strength of 10 men.Every day emergency nurses do what we are all called to do but find so arduous in practice. That is: to love our neighbors as ourselves.They care for those whom society renders invisible. Emergency nurses do what the man who changed the world 2,000 years ago did. They look squarely in the eye and hold the hand of those most couldn't bear to touch. They wash stinky feet, clean excrement, and smell breath that would give most people nightmares.And they do it with grace.So, here's to the emergency nurse. Shake the hand of a hero before your next shift. (and this was written by a Dr.)

Guest Editorial
September 2006
By David F. Baehren, M.D.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Southwest Turkey Mini Meatloaf......Review!

This is a recipe I found on It is really good! A must try for us post-op'ers.

Shelly's Southwest Turkey Mini Meatloaf

1 Yellow Onion, diced
4 Green Onions, diced
3 cloves of Garlic, minced
1 1/4 pounds Ground Turkey, the average weight of 1 package
1/4 cup Italian Style Dry Bread Crumbs
1/4 cup Milk1 Egg, beaten
1/2 cup Corn, canned or frozen
1/2 cup Black Beans, rinsed & drained
1/2 cup Pico de Gallo (near the salsa in the refrigerated section)
1 Tablespoon Fresh Cilantro, chopped
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Butter/Oil for sauteing

Saute onions till golden. Add garlic cook 1 more minute. Set aside to cool. Soak breadcrumbs in milk for 1 minute. Beat egg. Add egg and soaked breadcrumbs to ground turkey. Add cooled veggies and all remaining ingredients. Mix till combined.

Divide into 8 equal mounds. Form into mini meatloaves or if you have this super groovy pan like me use it. Bake for 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven. These freeze well either cooked or uncooked. You can serve the meatloaves as is.

Now, I added some salsa and fat free sour cream to the top of mine. I also didn't have the 8 mini-loaf dish to bake it in, so I used 5 of the aluminum mini-loaf dishes I got at Walmart. I sprayed the inside of them with Pam before baking. I froze 3 of them for later eating!

Here's a pic of how mine turned out:

I'm not a fan of ground turkey, but this was REALLY good. Hats off to eggface for another great creation!
