Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I'm convinced the people that work at Walmart are ignorant. They must be on work release. Especially the one on Wards Rd.

I stop by there at 5:30am on my way home from work today.....had a few items to grab. Wanted to get some "Fuze" drinks. I go to the back of the store where the drink isle is....and....low and behold...they have that isle roped off. I looked and the other end of the isle didn't have a rope slid under the rope to go get my drinks. 2 employees yell at me like I'm stealing the damned drinks. This did NOT set well with me. So, I let em have it. When I was done with them, I was so mad, I proceeded to go check out......forgetting the rest of the stuff I went for.

The lady at the cash register asked me how I was and I let her have it! I told her I needed to see a manager because I didn't appreciate being yelled at by their employees.

The manager comes over and I let her have it. I asked her...."Is this a 24 hr Walmart?" She said "Yes maam." I said "Then why the HELL do you have isles roped off when you know people come from all over to shop? If you're gonna close down isles, you need to close the whole store!" I proceeded to yell a few other choice items and took my 5 items and spun outta there like a bat outta hell.

Now I remember why I HATE the Lynchburg Walmart. I mean....really...what was I supposed to do? SIT and wait for them to take the rope down? I could have been there for hours. The floor wasn't wet.

I can feel my blood pressure going up.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another one bites the dust......

Well, this year is almost over. Thanksgiving came and went. Christmas came and went. New Years is 2 days away. As I look back over this year, I cant seem to find where the time went.

A few biggies:
I started online classes to get my BSN.
I went back to the ER to work.
I bought a new mustang.

Some weight loss accomplishments:
I fit into a size 16 jeans while shopping at the beach.
I fit into roller coaster rides at Kings Dominion.
I bought a little black dress and high heel shoes!

Some things I'm looking forward to in 2009:
Losing those last 50lbs.
Our "girl" Vegas trip in October.
Continuing my photography persuits.

So, so long 2008. Looking foward to new adventures in 2009.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Noodleless Crockpot Lasagna

Here's a recipe I obtained from I made it a few days ago and it was quite yummy!
The next time I make it, I'm going to add ground beef to each layer.

Crock Pot Lasagna

--1 - 26 oz jar of your favorite pasta sauce
--1 small container of ricotta cheese
--8 slices of mozzarella cheese
--2 cups shredded Italian cheese mix
--1 large eggplant
--3 summer squash
--1 pound of sliced mushrooms
--1 bag of baby spinach
--2 T warm water

The Directions

I used a 6 quart Smart Pot for this dish, it was the correct size pot to use. If you have a smaller crock-pot, you will need to scale back a bit.Wash all of the vegetables. Slice the squash and the eggplant in long, slices, about 1/4 inch thick. These are going to be your noodles! I did not peel the squash or the eggplant. In the bottom of your crockpot, pour about 1/4 cup of pasta sauce. Layer in a few pieces of squash and eggplant. Smear some ricotta cheese on top. Add a handful of baby spinach and mushrooms, and a few slices of mozzarella cheese. Pour in some more pasta sauce. Continue layering the ingredients until your crockpot is full, and you have run out of ingredients. Top with the end of the pasta sauce and the shredded cheese. Put 2 tablespoons of warm water into the empty pasta sauce jar, cover, and shake. Pour the remaining sauce on top of everything.

Cover your crockpot and cook on low for 5-8 hours. This is done when the vegetables have reached their desired tenderness and the cheese is melty.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What it's all about......

We as a society have lost our minds. A walmart employee was trampled to death while shoppers looked on and continued to shop. What in the world? I fully believe that the world is coming to an end.
We have forgotten what Christmas is all about people. Forget the presents and forget the food. Christmas is about Jesus. First and foremost.....nothing else. The day we can trample a man to death for a few "bargains" is a sad, sad day. I realize that accidents happen but to continue to shop as this man lay dying......well, that's just despicable. Makes me ashamed to be a member of society.