Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another one bites the dust......

Well, this year is almost over. Thanksgiving came and went. Christmas came and went. New Years is 2 days away. As I look back over this year, I cant seem to find where the time went.

A few biggies:
I started online classes to get my BSN.
I went back to the ER to work.
I bought a new mustang.

Some weight loss accomplishments:
I fit into a size 16 jeans while shopping at the beach.
I fit into roller coaster rides at Kings Dominion.
I bought a little black dress and high heel shoes!

Some things I'm looking forward to in 2009:
Losing those last 50lbs.
Our "girl" Vegas trip in October.
Continuing my photography persuits.

So, so long 2008. Looking foward to new adventures in 2009.

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