Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Are we too busy to stop?

My friend who lives in Winston-Salem, NC called me a few hrs ago to talk about getting tickets to see Jimmy Buffett in April. She goes on to tell me that she was ran out the road the other day by a tractor trailer. She was on the interstate going 70mph in Greensboro, NC when this happened. It was 5:30am and she doubts the tractor trailer driver even knew about it. She said her car spun around on the interstate a few times and then her car ended up backwards lying on its side in the median of the interstate facing the wrong direction. Now, the next part is the part I'm having difficulties with....

SHE SAT IN THE MEDIAN, CAR SIDEWAYS IN THE DITCH, FACING THE WRONG WAY, WITH HER HEADLIGHTS ON.....FOR 45 MINUTES AND NO ONE STOPPED TO SEE IF SHE WAS OKAY. She said cars were racing by and not the FIRST person stopped to see if she needed help. No cop came.....NOTHING.

Now, I'm sorry....I realize we are a very busy society and we are all trying to get to work but what ever happened to compassion? What ever happened to checking on others to see if they're okay? She called her husband, who was 45 mins away, and he drove up and pulled her out of the ditch with his truck and STILL no one stopped to see if they needed help. At least someone could have called the cops to get them go check on her.

What have we come to? Are we too busy in our lives to stop to see if another living being is okay or needs help? I'm sorry but I'd stop. Maybe I'm one of a dying breed.

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