Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hit the floor

I was at work last night and was nice enough to stay over 1 1/2 hrs for a nurse who was going to be late. I was doing the narcotic count with her and suddenly felt nauseous. Then I felt really hot, like I was going to throw up. My vision started getting blurry and I turned to my left to attempt to sit down. The next thing I know, I was lying on the floor looking up at the other nurse calling my name and yelling "are you okay?"

Now, I have NEVER had this happen before. I have NEVER passed out. I don't know what the heck happened. Luckily, we have a machine there that checks vital signs and blood sugars. My blood pressure was normal and my blood sugar was normal. I go to see my surgeon in 2 wks for my 1 year check up. I will discuss this with him and see what he thinks.

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