Monday, March 10, 2008

People are Strange....

I had some errands to run today so I went out to Subway to grab some lunch. I ordered a "steak & cheese" wrap. The girl asked me if I wanted "double" meat. I said "No", as I cannot eat that much anyway. I decided to eat inside because I did not want to eat in my new car.

Now, I admit.....I'm a people watcher. I think you can learn alot by watching others. Especially in today's society. One couple who came in and sat near me was quite odd. They chose to sit at a table that was dirty. There were plenty of other tables that were clean. Then, when the Subway staff ran over to clean the table, the woman spoke up and said "No, that's okay. You can spray some of that cleaner on my hands though." WHAT????? CLEANER ON YOUR HANDS??? WTF???? She proceeds to wipe the cleaner all over both hands and then she unwraps her sub and eats it.

Now, I'm sitting here thinking to myself "this woman is nuts!!!!" If she doesn't end up in the toilet puking or pooping the rest of the day, it will be a miracle. She's one of those people who will be in the ER going "I don't know what happened. I was fine when I woke up."

I just shook my head and went on to my car. If she wants to ingest "God knows what" cleaner, then so be it.


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