Friday, October 31, 2008

Knock Knock......Who's there?

More toilet trilogies.....

One of my biggest pet peeves is when I'm in the toilet and someone knocks on the door. I mean, WTH? Why do people knock on the toilet door? I wasn't raised to knock on the toilet door. Were you? I was raised to turn the door handle and if it's locked, too bad. You wait your turn or find another toilet. Don't knock. Do you think the person inside the toilet is gonna open the door and let you in? NO......
One of these days, I'm gonna open the friggin door and just stand there......

Monday, October 20, 2008


What is the pit of our stomach....that churns when we run into our ex's? Is it hate? Is it anger? Is it fear? Is it those old memories rushing back....whether they be good or bad? Could it still be "love"? But the reality of why you split in the first place smacks you in the face and makes you carry on as if nothing was going on.

I ran into an ex and his family last night at work. I hold no ill feelings towards this ex and to be honest, I really liked his family. They still treat me as if I was one of their own. Of course he kept dropping hints that I need to come visit his parents....."come see us sometime". (He lives next door to his parents.) Now, I know he knows that I'm married now. So why even go there? Why even sit there in the waiting room.....staring at me....making me feel uncomfortable? I know he still loves me. He always will. He told me that when I broke it off with him. He's single.....will probably never get married. He was one of my old high school sweethearts. And a part of me will always love him. But, alas, the reason we broke up comes sneaking back into my mind and I realize why I had to move on.

Ex's.....there's a reason they're just that.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

If a dog were your teacher.....

If a dog were your teacher you would learn stuff like...

- When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
- Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
- Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
- When it's in your best interest -- practice obedience.
- Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
- Take naps and stretch before rising.
- Run, romp, and play daily.
- Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
- Avoid biting, when a simple growl will do.
- On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
- On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree.
- When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
- No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout... run right back and make friends.
- Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
- Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
- Be loyal.
- Never pretend to be something you're not.
- If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
- When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Squash Casserole Recipe

Here's a recipe I make quite often.....and made even more before surgery. I kinda invented this myself.....using the famous "green bean casserole" recipe.

Squash Casserole:

Appx 4-5 med yellow summer squash (sliced thin)
2 tbsp veg oil
Few slices of onion
1/2 cup milk
1 small can French's Fried Onions
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 can Fat Free mushroom soup

Slice up squash and put it in a frying pan with veg oil and onion. Add salt & pepper to taste. Let this simmer for about 20 mins or until squash and onions are good and mushy.

Drain and place squash in a baking dish. Add milk and 1/2 can french's fried onions. Mix well. Add more salt and pepper if you wish. I sometimes add different spices depending on my mood. Bake on 350 degrees for about 20 mins. Sprinkle rest of fried onions on top and bake an additional 5-7 mins. Take out and serve warm.

YUM! I was thinking tonight that ground beef and shredded cheese might taste well in this too! I might have to try it.

What did we do before computers?

I've been looking at old high school pics recently and connecting with old high school friends thru facebook. Alot of these folks I haven't seen since graduation! It makes me sit and wonder, what did we do before computers?

I can remember hanging out with my friends back in the day....."cruising" and partying. Now it seems folks just play on the internet and party. I can't imagine my life without my computer. It's how I stay in touch with friends. And forget about writing a letter! I wouldn't dream of it!

With all this technology at our fingertips, could we ever go back to the way we used to function? I don't think we would survive. A friend emailed me a while ago and said we cannot use facebook at work anymore. "It looks bad for the department." I mean, what' so bad with facebook? I can understand "myspace". Alot of the doctors use facebook at work. Will they be written up as well?

Guess I wont be able to pass the time looking at friends pictures anymore.......

Friday, October 10, 2008

What's the 4-2-0 ?

I've heard people say "4-2-0" before and I wondered what the heck they were talking about. Me not really giving a crap, didn't ask. Now, I see and hear it more. So, I decided to do some searching on the net. This is what I found:

"4:20 or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is a term used in North America to refer to the consumption of cannabis and, by extension, a way to identify oneself with the drug subculture around cannabis."

"Although there are many explanations for the origin of the term, one stems from a story about a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California in 1971. The teens would meet after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the Louis Pasteur statue. The term became part of their group's salute, "420 Louis!" and became popularized in the late 1980s by fans of the Grateful Dead. By extension April 20 ("4/20" in U.S. dating shorthand) has evolved into a counterculture holiday, where people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis. In some locations this celebration coincides with Earth Week. In Dunedin, New Zealand, students at the University of Otago and other cannabis law reform activists meet under a walnut tree on the Otago University Union Lawn on Wednesdays and Fridays at 4:20pm to openly smoke cannabis in public in what they call an 'act of protest'."

"Phrases such as "420 friendly" sometimes appear in roommate advertisements, indicating that the current occupants are tolerant of cannabis users. That phrase is also used in personal ads to denote the same association. 420 is the title of a comic book series featuring the alternative superhero Captain Cannabis. Noting that "the national weed smoking day is 4/20," rapper Method Man named his 2006 album 4:21... The Day After."

Reference: Wikipedia. (

Interesting. Very interesting.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Buffalo Wild Wings

So here I sit in BWW surrounded by about 35 TV's and a loud crowd. I just had their chicken tender salad. I chose the honey BBQ sauce on my chicken. It was quite tasty. I only ate a few bites but I wanted to share how good it was. My husband will be happy to get the leftovers. Their chicken is very tender and it falls apart on your fork. HEAVEN for GB patients who have those "sensitive" stomachs......

Their parmesean garlic has been my poison so far. And.....I think it's still my fav!


One thing that aggravates me.....

One thing that aggravates me more than anything is seeing people wearing those sweat pants and shorts with words written across their butts.....I mean, come on people. Most of the ones I see are people who shouldn't be drawing attention to their asses anyway. (Trust me, nothing to look at!)

So folks, if you're gonna be wearing those sweats, make sure you have a butt that looks good in them. I mean, I can't wear something like that cuz I DEFINITELY dont wanna draw any attention to my ass. It needs some more work!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Product Review: PB2

I'm always looking for some good, lowfat, high protein foods. I saw this on "theworldaccordingtoeggface" 's blog and decided to order some. I got the choc peanut flavor and reg peanut flavor. It's basically peanut butter "powder" without the oil and fat. You can mix it with water or put it in protein drinks. I made mine with a protein drink tonight and it's pretty good!

You can get 2 Tbsp of this stuff for 52 cals, 1.42 fat grams and 3.85g of protein. Two Tbsp of "real" peanut butter has 190 cals, 14g fat and 7g protein. Um...don't know about you, but I'll take the healthier one. My husband even tasted it and liked it!

I could probably eat this stuff dry it tastes so good! This stuff is made by Bell Plantation in Tifton, GA.
Take it from Tanya......Another good find!

Regular Peanut Butter stats.

Remind me why I married a deer hunter????

I need to do a little ranting right now so here I am. I knew when I married my husband that he hunted. I had no problem with that. However, I believe that family should come first. My husband, on the other hand, thinks deer hunting prevails over all things in this world. This is where we fight. Often.

Three weeks ago we had a combined birthday party for our youngest and oldest kids. My brother and his wife drove up from their home that's 45 mins away and brought their 2 girls. Well, this past weekend was his oldest's birthday party and I had to work 7p-7a. They wanted our youngest, Kali, to come and spend the night, as it was a sleepover party. I said that shouldn't be a problem that one of us would see that she gets down there to the party. When I hung up the phone, my husband looks at me and goes "You know I'm gonna be hunting." I looked at him and said "The party isn't until 4pm. Can't you hunt in the morning and then take Kali down in the evening?" He goes "Nope. Gonna be hunting all day."

Now, I have an issue with choosing to hunt over your family. This isn't the first fight we've had over hunting. I could be in the hospital dying and he would be in the woods hunting. I just don't get it. Can someone please explain it to me? To me, nothing should come before your family other than God. It was just ONE day. He could have hunted in the morning and went to the birthday party that evening. This isn't the first time our kids have had to give up something they wanted to do so he could hunt. Our middle son has a birthday in January and he always wants to have a birthday party/sleepover and my husband tells him no because he will be hunting on that Saturday. Instead, he tells him he can have a birthday party on Sunday and have friends over. Again, hunting comes first.

It really makes me sad. He wasn't like this when we dated. If he had been, I probably wouldn't have married him.
