Monday, October 20, 2008


What is the pit of our stomach....that churns when we run into our ex's? Is it hate? Is it anger? Is it fear? Is it those old memories rushing back....whether they be good or bad? Could it still be "love"? But the reality of why you split in the first place smacks you in the face and makes you carry on as if nothing was going on.

I ran into an ex and his family last night at work. I hold no ill feelings towards this ex and to be honest, I really liked his family. They still treat me as if I was one of their own. Of course he kept dropping hints that I need to come visit his parents....."come see us sometime". (He lives next door to his parents.) Now, I know he knows that I'm married now. So why even go there? Why even sit there in the waiting room.....staring at me....making me feel uncomfortable? I know he still loves me. He always will. He told me that when I broke it off with him. He's single.....will probably never get married. He was one of my old high school sweethearts. And a part of me will always love him. But, alas, the reason we broke up comes sneaking back into my mind and I realize why I had to move on.

Ex's.....there's a reason they're just that.

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