Friday, October 31, 2008

Knock Knock......Who's there?

More toilet trilogies.....

One of my biggest pet peeves is when I'm in the toilet and someone knocks on the door. I mean, WTH? Why do people knock on the toilet door? I wasn't raised to knock on the toilet door. Were you? I was raised to turn the door handle and if it's locked, too bad. You wait your turn or find another toilet. Don't knock. Do you think the person inside the toilet is gonna open the door and let you in? NO......
One of these days, I'm gonna open the friggin door and just stand there......

1 comment:

Reference said...

haha, I'm Japanese and raised to knock the bathroom door to check if there's a person inside. Here that's considered polite, and not knocking the door is impolite.

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