Saturday, November 1, 2008

Unruly kids.....

This is why I have no tolerance for kids.....

I was in Wally World earlier and it was WILD! Then I realized it was the first of the month and checks came out! But this is the killer.....Wild Kids were running around everywhere! GET YOUR KIDS UNDER CONTROL PEOPLE! Don't let them run around like idiots. Those of us who have NO tolerance for kids can't stand it! I had a kid lean over and smack me with a piece of paper.....from his cart! I just looked at the dad.....WTH? Then a kid across the way ran into the back of this guy's foot. Why are you letting your kids push a cart? The look on the man's face was priceless. I thought he was going to choke the crap outta the kid.

I probably would have helped him......

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