Thursday, November 13, 2008

Myrtle Beach.....Day 1

My 2 friends and I are at Myrtle Beach for a's our yearly "girl" trip. We went to Liberty Steakhouse for our first night's dinner. It's at broadway at the beach. At the table across from us, a guy passes out. His 2 friends jump up and check him out. Come to find out, one of the guys with him is a neuro surgeon. The other one is a nurse. While he is lying on the floor, I look at my friend (who's also an ER nurse) and say "you gonna go over?" She's eating her seafood pasta and looks at me and says "I'm on vacation." She then looks at the men with him and asks "does he have a pulse?" They say "Yes".....and she continues to eat.

Now, you have to know my friend to understand she's a trip. She would have gotten up had she needed to. I, on the other hand, was deeply disturbed that this man was lying out on the floor. Luckily, his friends stated that he had a we continued to watch and see what was going on. 911 was called and the guy passed out again while he was waiting on them. Turns out, he was diabetic. I lost my appetite and continued to watch this pitiful, pale man. You could look at them and tell they had been out golfing all day.

The point to my story is.....every year us girls go somewhere, something happens. We either end up in fights with waiters/waitresses at restaurants....or people fall out.

The story continues.....tomorrow.


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