Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What did we do before computers?

I've been looking at old high school pics recently and connecting with old high school friends thru facebook. Alot of these folks I haven't seen since graduation! It makes me sit and wonder, what did we do before computers?

I can remember hanging out with my friends back in the day....."cruising" and partying. Now it seems folks just play on the internet and party. I can't imagine my life without my computer. It's how I stay in touch with friends. And forget about writing a letter! I wouldn't dream of it!

With all this technology at our fingertips, could we ever go back to the way we used to function? I don't think we would survive. A friend emailed me a while ago and said we cannot use facebook at work anymore. "It looks bad for the department." I mean, what' so bad with facebook? I can understand "myspace". Alot of the doctors use facebook at work. Will they be written up as well?

Guess I wont be able to pass the time looking at friends pictures anymore.......

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