Monday, September 29, 2008

In A Split Second

I often wonder if we really take the time to stop and think how precious life really is....and how our life can change in a split second.

I know a young 17yr old who wrecked his car the other night on a slick, rain filled road. He lost control of it on the wet roads and slid into a tree. The sad thing is he had 2 passengers, who were 17 and 18 as well, and the passengers had been drinking. They called him for a ride to another friend's home. The front seat passenger ended up dying on the operating table and the backseat passenger is still in ICU under observation.

This young boy was at home, filling out college applications and in a split second, his life changed. He did the responsible thing and went to give 2 friends a ride who had no business driving themselves. Now, he's charged with reckless driving and vehicular manslaughter. WTH? He was the only sober one in the vehicle and his car slid on a curvy, wet road.

I feel for this kid. I hope he can find it in himself to realize he was NOT to blame. He did not kill his friend. His grief is weighing him down now.....God be with him.....

1 comment:

Lisa J. said...

Such a tragedy! Kids trying to do the right thing and despite that things happening out of their control!!!