Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Surgery Update

I saw Dr. Schroder's NP 9/11 for a checkup. It's been almost 6 mos since my 1 year checkup. I have lost 3 pounds since that last visit. I told her I was on a stall and I knew I needed to get back to exercising 3-4 times a week (as I have slacked off this summer) and cut the sweet tea out! I have been without a sweet tea for a week now and the first few days were AWFUL.....I had severe headaches. Guess I was detoxing from sugar.I went to a support group meeting after my meeting as I was already there. It was the first one I've been to since my surgery, as I live 3 hrs away. It was an "ok" meeting. I must admit I almost fell asleep in the middle. There were some people there with SERIOUS food issues....STILL! For example, buying food that is bad for them and then not eating it.....but driving over it with their car tires! Man....I don't have THOSE problems! I felt like I was in a psych group meeting. I found the recipes and handouts the best part of the meeting. It's nice to know there are others that are going thru what I'm going thru. I think if I go again, it will be on the 3rd thursday since that is the meeting for people with those "last few pounds" to lose. As for my eye update: I saw Dr. Vogel 2 wks ago and he's pleased that my eye is no longer bleeding and the blood has dissolved. I have permanent scar tissue in that eye but my vision has improved! I'll take it! I just hope it doesn't start bleeding again in the future.
Meanwhile, here's a recent pic of me all dolled up!

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