Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Remind me why I married a deer hunter????

I need to do a little ranting right now so here I am. I knew when I married my husband that he hunted. I had no problem with that. However, I believe that family should come first. My husband, on the other hand, thinks deer hunting prevails over all things in this world. This is where we fight. Often.

Three weeks ago we had a combined birthday party for our youngest and oldest kids. My brother and his wife drove up from their home that's 45 mins away and brought their 2 girls. Well, this past weekend was his oldest's birthday party and I had to work 7p-7a. They wanted our youngest, Kali, to come and spend the night, as it was a sleepover party. I said that shouldn't be a problem that one of us would see that she gets down there to the party. When I hung up the phone, my husband looks at me and goes "You know I'm gonna be hunting." I looked at him and said "The party isn't until 4pm. Can't you hunt in the morning and then take Kali down in the evening?" He goes "Nope. Gonna be hunting all day."

Now, I have an issue with choosing to hunt over your family. This isn't the first fight we've had over hunting. I could be in the hospital dying and he would be in the woods hunting. I just don't get it. Can someone please explain it to me? To me, nothing should come before your family other than God. It was just ONE day. He could have hunted in the morning and went to the birthday party that evening. This isn't the first time our kids have had to give up something they wanted to do so he could hunt. Our middle son has a birthday in January and he always wants to have a birthday party/sleepover and my husband tells him no because he will be hunting on that Saturday. Instead, he tells him he can have a birthday party on Sunday and have friends over. Again, hunting comes first.

It really makes me sad. He wasn't like this when we dated. If he had been, I probably wouldn't have married him.


1 comment:

Lisa J. said...

You know it is two things:
1. control
2. testerone

I don't know if all woman go through this and Jr is no hunter thank the Lord but sometimes it seems that his way always prevails. Ugh!! I guess if all men showed their true colors before we married them then the world would end as we know it!