Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Butt therapy....and BIOFREEZE!

A few weeks ago I had a workers comp injury. It involved a drunk 18yr old college student and me jerking the sheet that was under him to prevent him from aspirating on his vomit. Anywho.....I reported it to employee health like a good little nurse......and played it off thinking the back pain would go was probably a pulled muscle....etc, etc. Well, the pain STILL hasn't gone away.....thanks drunk college student!

I went to have it checked out last week and I was set up for a PT eval. I had that eval today. The therapist used some kind of warmed ultrasound machine on my back....which was heaven.....and then she put some Biofreeze on it. THAT STUFF IS THE BOMB! It has a numbing/tingling effect. I didn't even know I had a back until it wore off! It worked so well, I drove to Wyndhurst (10 miles away) to purchase a 4oz tube of it for $10. (The PT office did not sell it.) I had my husband rub some on my back a few mins ago before he went to bed and I'm in heaven again. I have found some on ebay.....a 32oz pump bottle for $40 (includes S&H). I don't know who invented this stuff but it really works.

As for the butt therapy.....well, the pain is going into my right butt cheek. So, the therapist pounded away on my lower back and my butt. Let's just say, it was VERY uncomfortable.....until she did the heat and biofreeze.

Let's just hope this pulled muscle/ligament heals soon!

As for the 18yr old drunk college student.....he has NO idea what I'm going through because I was trying to protect his airway and keep him from possibly becoming brain dead. And we are hardly EVER thanked for what we do..... The ER, gotta love it.



Lisa J. said...

Hey Tanya! I am sorry you hurt your back and hope you can get it feeling better quick.

Anonymous said...

a genius named Danne King invented Biogreeze. I just discovered he has a new line of over the counter skin care which I tried that are the best skin care products I have ever used! The website is:
I bought all the products and was truly amazed!